Optimizing Your Digital Footprint with Joe Khoei

Shakira and Joe Khoei Episode 61

Do you need $10k for your nonprofit?? Look no further than SalesX, Inc. On this episode, we sit down with Joe Khoei, the founder and CEO of SalesX. His desire is to help nonprofits expand their digital presence pro bono with Google Ads.

Google has a program called Google Ad Grants for Nonprofits. It's $10K/ month worth of clicks whereby the nonprofit does not pay. SalesX gets the clicks via Google Ads and Google doesn't charge you a DIME. 

Listen for more info and go to to get started!

Starting your nonprofit doesn't have to be hard or scary. In fact, I created these tools and affordable resources to ensure your journey as a Founder is as simple as A, B, C.
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